Articles Supply - 10

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  1. Applications such as printers, laser-based fiber optic systems, and charged-particle air filtration systems require hundreds or even thousands of volts at low power. Flyback converters and autotransformer boosts are reasonable topology choices, but ...
  2. Digital control inside an on-board power supply facilitates improved efficiency, reduced total cost and advanced system power management. The following is from an Ericsson white paper and is very relevant to Digital Power. Digital techniques in ...
  1. By Johann Zipperer Peter Weber, Texas Instruments. Electronic Specifier A novel approach to digitally measuring analog current could deliver greater accuracy at ultra-low powers Measuring current can be as simple as putting a shunt resistor in ...
  2. Karthik Kadirvel, Texas Instruments ECN Personal battery-powered devices range from single-cell devices such as cell phones to multi-cell devices such as electric cars. Range anxiety is a common issue among all battery-operated electronics. Users ...
  3. Nancy Friedrich Microwaves RF As wireless-sensing components boost efficiency and other performance criteria, energy-harvesting solutions are moving beyond a niche and into everyday applications. Energy is all around us whether the sources are ...
  4. Rick Demeis EDN Engineers sometimes get assignments that are not only challenging learning experiences but also just plain fun. That scenario happened when John Scott- Thomas, UBM TechInsights’ product-marketing manager, and Al Steier, Munro ...
  5. Alan Ball, ON Semiconductor PowerPulse As the demand for high power electronic equipment grows, it becomes necessary to drive high-voltage, high-current loads. Achieving high levels of both voltage and current in a switching power converter often ...
  6. David Ferris, Forbes Anyone with a dying cellphone has wondered in frustration when our so-called “wireless” phones will be able to do without that umbilical cord of modern life the power cable. After years of speculation, the solution ...
  7. Lee H. Goldberg, Electronic Products Doesn’t it sometimes seem as though smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices know precisely when you have moved beyond the reach of a convenient wall plug, choosing precisely that moment to run out ...
  8. Supply Micropelt TGP-651 TGP-751
    Micropelt has launched compact thermogenerator package (TGP) devices that makes thermal energy harvesting ready for mass production. The devices enable automatic assembly of autonomous DC power supplies for ultra low power wireless sensors and ...
EMS supplier